"We are a community of disciples inspired by the Holy Spirit to be living witnesses for transformation in Christ to bring about a world of justice, human development and true peace."
The Mission Apostolate of BLD Camden started its ministries in July 2015. Its goal and objectives are to: Align the BLD Mission program to the needs of the local diocese, parishes and institutions, to assist the parishes within the mission area of our community to be able to conduct their own Encounter Programs, LSS and Christian Discipleship Formation Program, to help development and equip the intercessory ministry in parishes within the mission area of Camden Diocese; and to embark on social action through corporal acts of mercy and poverty alleviation programs to assist families out of poverty towards dignity and productivity as children of God. (Source: BLD ECSL Circular No. 08-2015-040A dated June 25, 2015).
Here below are active mission activities:
- BLD Trenton: participated in GK Medical Mission at Municipal Jail at Silang, Cavite and GK assisted families at Mauban, Quezon Feb 2017
- Community Outreach to CDCC (Camden Diocese Catholic Charismatic Conference) October 6-8 2017 with BLD members who served as security/usherers, lectors, eucharistic ministers and catchers
- Parish Services Ministry: participate in the monthly "3rd Sunday Feed the Hungry" at Holy Eucharist Parish
- Institutional Services Ministry: assist institutions and nursing homes led by BLD Spiritual Director at least 3 times a month
- Poverty Alleviation: serve Camden Cathedral Kitchen 300 clients with 8-10 BLD volunteers on a monthly basis
- “Adopt a Family” Program where three families received donations from members and BLD Camden, December 3, 2017
- “Simbang Gabi” Fellowship, Christ the Light Parish, December 17, 2017
For inquiries and to volunteer to any of our mission activities, please contact us, Mission Apostolates Nap and Linda Juliano at ebjuliano44@comcast.net
Mission Apostolate
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